User Details
Last updated
Last updated
Once created, a user can be modified at any given time.
To modify existing users, head over to the Members section of the Thinfinity® Remote Workspace Online portal and click on the pencil icon next for the user you wish to work with:
On the User Details section you will find a series of fields:
First Name
Modifies the given First Name for a user at any given time.
Last Name
Modifies the given Last Name for a user at any given time.
There are two roles that can be selected for each user.
Admin: The invited user is granted complete access for adding, remove, modifying existing Workspaces. They have complete access to User Management and Billing information.
User: Restricted profiles, dedicated for users who do not administer or modify any part of the solution. End-User would typically be assigned this Role.
Status provides information regarding the state for that account in particular.
Pending: The invite has been already sent, but the user is yet to accept the invitation and complete the registration process.
Active: The user has already accepted and completed the registration process. User is able to use Thinfinity® Remote Workspace Online.
Inactive: Temporarily remove access for a User. You can reinstate the access at any given time.
Blocked: The user account was blocked due to several connection attempts with the wrong ClientID, email and Password combination