WebBridge: User Experience
Transferring files from your local PC to your remote desktop session has never been easier.
How to upload files:
There are 2 different ways you can upload a file to your remote desktop session:
You can drag and drop files directly into the browser where the remote desktop session is running.
After you drag a file into the browser, you will be prompted to save the file:
Here you can select any folder you have permissions to in the remote desktop.
Go to the "Thinfinity® Remote Workspace Online WebBridge" drive and double click "Upload Here":
This will open your local "File Open" dialog, where you can select a file and upload to the "Thinfinity® Remote Workspace Online WebBridge" drive.
How to Download files:
To download files, there are also 2 different methods:
You can drag and drop files into the "Thinfinity® Remote Workspace Online WebBridge" drive. This will save the file in the WebBridge drive and will automatically download from your browser.
Right click any file in the remote desktop session, and select "Send to Browser" to automatically download:
If you are working on a file that is stored in the "Thinfinity® Remote Workspace Online WebBridge" drive and you update it, WebBridge will detect these changes and download the file again so you don't lose any of your information.
Last updated